Monthly Board Meeting
Member registration for monthly board meetings.
The next monthly open board meeting of the Cobb EMC board of directors will be held in person on Tuesday, February 25 at 4 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, the meetings will be held in the Cobb EMC board room at 1000 EMC Parkway, Marietta, GA. Recommended attire for guests is business casual.
Important registration information
See a full list of meeting dates.
According to Policy 611, in order to attend an open meeting, current members must register (below) with Cobb EMC at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Members must sign in at least 10 minutes prior to the published start time in order to obtain admittance.
According to Section 4.07 of the cooperative's bylaws, current members in good standing may attend regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors as well as other meetings of the Board of Directors including committee meetings whenever a quorum of Directors for the transaction of business is present, except for Executive Sessions of such meetings. Such meetings where a quorum of Directors is present, other than Regular Meetings of Directors pursuant to Section 4.01, shall be treated as Special Meetings pursuant to Section 4.02. If the Member wishes to address the Board, the Member must deliver not less than three (3) business days before the meeting to the Cooperative’s CEO or Secretary a written notice specifying the issue or issues the Member will address. The Board may adopt reasonable policies to maintain order and govern such meetings.
The written notice may be sent by:
- Email: Kevan Espy & Bryan Boyd at
- Fax: 678-355-3482
- Mail: Attn: Kevan Espy & Bryan Boyd, P.O. Box 369, Marietta, GA 30061
- Hand delivery: Cobb EMC office, 1000 EMC Parkway, Marietta, GA
Register to attend the board meeting
Members are asked to pre-register to attend monthly board meetings by filling out the form below or by calling 678-355-3225 and providing a number of attendees (maximum number of two attendees). Photo identification is required to verify membership. Members must register with Cobb EMC at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Recommended attire for guests is business casual.
Note: This form is for board meeting registration only. If you’re interested in attending the Annual Meeting, visit our event page for registration details.